Company Information
Board of Directors (the “Board”)
Executive Directors
Mr. WANG Jianqing (Chairman and Chief Executive Officer)
Mr. BAO Jun
Independent Non-Executive Directors
Dr. LEUNG Hoi Ming
Mr. WONG Chi Keung
Mr. WONG Siu Hung Patrick
Ms. Lin Ying
Mr. WANG Jianqing (Chairman and Chief Executive Officer)
Mr. BAO Jun
Independent Non-Executive Directors
Dr. LEUNG Hoi Ming
Mr. WONG Chi Keung
Mr. WONG Siu Hung Patrick
Ms. Lin Ying
Company Secretary
Mr. WAN Oi MingAuditor
SHINEWING (HK) CPA LimitedMajor Banker
Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation LimitedMajor Register of Members
Appleby Global Corporate Services (Bermuda) LimitedCanon’s Court, 22 Victoria Street,
PO Box HM 1179, Hamilton HM EX
Branch Registrars
Tricor Tengis Limited17/F, Far East Finance Centre,
16 Harcourt Road,
Hong Kong
Registered Office
Clarendon House, Church Street,Hamilton HM11, Bermuda